PTAPicker is a Windows
command line program that detects control points (common features in overlapping images)
from a set of input images. It is part of (and distributed with
PTAssembler). PTAPicker offers the user a choice of
several different detection algorithms, none of which are encumbered with legal
patents. This page gives an overview of PTAPicker, its program options and
presents a comparison with some other control point detector programs.
PTAssembler showing 2 images with control points detected by PTAPicker.
PTAPicker takes a set of images as input, and produces a file with a list of
control points that can be opened by PTAssembler (and possibly other programs)
as its output. In order to understand some of PTAPicker's options,
a basic understanding of how PTAPicker's control point detection algorithm
works is useful. In brief, the algorithm works follows:
Input -> Feature detection -> Description -> Matching -> Filtering/Checking -> Thinning -> Output
The main steps of the algorithm are described below:
- . In this stage, PTAPicker scans each image, and looks
for "features". A feature
could be any point in the image, but in this context refers to a point that is
distinctive in some fashion. For example, a point that is much brighter than
adjacent points (such as a star in the sky, or a point of light in a dark scene),
might be a good feature. PTAPicker offers the ability to choose from
several different types of feature detectors, and these detectors all
identify different regions as features. The number of features that are
detected depend on the size of the image, the subject matter, the type
of detector used and its configuration. In some cases, several thousand
features may be detected; in others only a handful (or none) may be detected.
- . Having detected a number of features in each image,
PTAPicker "describes" the features. Like the detection stage, this can
also be done in a number of different ways, and PTAPicker offers several
different "descriptors" to perform this task. All of the descriptors "describe"
a feature using a sequence of numbers. Ideally, each
description should be sufficiently unique as to allow for easy
differentiation between descriptions. Ideally, descriptors would be similar to
telephone numbers in that no two people can share the same number. In practice,
descriptors are not so unique, and different features are sometimes described
in very similar ways. Conversely, the same feature that appears in two
different images may be described quite differently depending on how
each image is scaled, rotated, illuminated, distorted, etc.
- . Once all of the features in all images have been
described, this stage attempts to find matching features in pairs of images.
PTAPicker compares each image against every other image in the input set to look
for matches, i.e. features that are characterized by the same (or very similar) descriptors.
If two images overlap, then one would expect to find some features in the two images
that are described the same way (or very close to the same way). When
these matching features are found they are recorded as matches or
"candidate control points".
- . The next stage of the algorithm is to validate
the candidate control points, and reject any candidate control points that
are likely to be incorrect. In practice, feature description and matching
is a less-than-perfect science, and sometimes two different features may be
described sufficiently similarly that they end up being "matched" to each
other and identified as a candidate control point.
Because a computer does not see images that same way as a human, the computer
may identify matches that are obviously incorrect to a human (e.g. matching
a feature on a car in one image to a feature on a building in another image). The
filtering and checking stage applies a number of different tests to try and
determine if any of the candidate control points are incorrect and should
be eliminated. One important test that PTAPicker applies is called
RANSAC. It attempts
to determine which candidate control points are incorrect by looking
for control points that appear to be positioned in regions of the image
that are distant from control points that appear to be positioned correctly.
- . The last stage is only used if the number of control points
that are produced after the previous stage exceeds the number requested
by the user. If so, some control points are discarded. PTAPicker discards
control points that are close to each other, trying to keep control points
that are spread across different areas of the image.
PTAPicker can be used by PTAssembler or invoked directly from the command
line. Program usage and options are summarized here. More information about each
option is presented later in the document.
PTAPicker [options] [input files]
-c Use color descriptors
-d NAME Specify detector name (see below)
-D NAME Specify descriptor name (see below)
-f n Maximum number of features to retain after detection (e.g. 2048)
-g n Number of regions each axis is subdivided before matching (e.g. 1)
-i n Number of times to downsize image before processing (e.g. 2)
-j n Downsize until longer dimension is less than n pixels (e.g. 1200)
-k n Maximum number of control points to create per image pair (e.g. 30)
-m NAME Specify matcher name (see below)
-n n Number of threads to execute in parallel (e.g. 2)
-o FILE Specify output filename
-p FILE Specify input PTAssembler project filename
-q n Number of matches to use for RANSAC
-r RECT Rectangular area specifying sub-region of image (see below)
-t n Maximum allowable pixel error during RANSAC (e.g. 3.0)
--a n Maximum control point angular change in degrees (e.g. 20)
--c n Maximum homography angular change in degrees (e.g. 20)
--l n Maximum homography line length ratio (e.g. 1.2)
--p n Maximum homography perspective (e.g. 0.01)
--r n Maximum homography rectangle area ratio (e.g. 6.0)
--t n Feature Detection Threshold (e.g 20)
--x n RANSAC threshold expansion factor (e.g. 3.0)
* Input files can be images (e.g. JPEG, TIFF) or (using the -p option) a
PTAssembler project file that contains a list of images.
* Options -i or -j cannot be specified together. If so, -i is ignored.
* The -r RECT option can be used to specify a region-of-interest (ROI)
within an image to process. If specified, only the ROI is searched
for control points. A RECT is specified as follows (see below for
usage example):
x = The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the ROI
y = The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the ROI
width = The width of the ROI
height = The height of the ROI
imageNumber = The image number for the ROI (images are numbered
in the order in which they are present on the command line or
project file, starting at number zero).
If the imageNumber parameter is missing, the ROI is applied to all
images specified on the command line or in the project.
Usage Examples:
PTAPicker -o out.txt image_a.jpg image_b.jpg
PTAPicker -o out.txt -p ptasmblr.ptp
PTAPicker -d ORB -D BRISK -o out.txt -n 4 -k 50 -p ptasmblr.ptp
PTAPicker -o out.txt -r 900:0:300:200:0 -r 0:0:300:200:1 img0.tif img1.tif
Detector Names:
BRISK: Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints
Dense: Dense Feature Detector
FAST: Features from Accelerated Segment Test
GFTT: Good Features To Track Detector
HARRIS: Good Features To Track Detector with Harris detector enabled
MSER: Maximally Stable Extremal Regions
ORB: Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF
STAR: StarFeatureDetector
SimpleBlob: Simple Blob Detector
Descriptor Names:
BRIEF: Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features
BRISK: Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints
FREAK: Fast Retina Keypoint
ORB: Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF
Matcher Names:
BruteForce: (L2 Norm)
BruteForce-L1: (L1 Norm)
BruteForce-Hamming: Hamming distance
BruteForce-Hamming(2): Hamming distance (used with ORB when WTA_K==3)
FlannBased: Fast Library for Approximate Nearest Neighbors
- . By default, PTAPicker converts input image to greyscale before
detecting features. If this option is specified, then the program also
uses color information. This can lead to more distinctive features being
detected, but can also slow program operation.
- . The NAME parameter specifies the feature detector
algorithm to use. By default, PTAPicker uses the BRISK detector.
- . The NAME parameter specifies the feature descriptor
algorithm to use. By default, PTAPicker uses the BRISK descriptor.
- . Maximum number of features to retain
after detection (e.g. 500). If more than this number of features were detected,
features with the weakest response are removed until this number of
detected features remains.
- . If a value of more than 1 is specified,
each is image is subdivided into multiple regions before matching, and each
region of each image is compared against every other region in every other image.
The image is divided into regions along both axes (i.e. width and height).
This slows down processing, but usually results in more matches being found,
particularly in images with minimal overlap, or repetitive patterns.
- . The n parameter specifies the number of times by which to downsize
the image by 50% before detecting features. downsizing the image size
reduces the number of features that are detected, but speeds up the program.
- . If specified, PTApicker will downsize the image by 50% repeatedly
until the longer dimension is less than the value specified by n.
- . The maxmum number of control points to keep (after thinning).
- . the NAME parameter specifies the feature matching algorithm to
use. By default, PTAPicker chooses the most appropriate algorithm to use
depending on the detector and descriptor algorithms. The FlannBased algorithm
is considerably faster than the BruteForce Algorithms, but is not quite as
accurate. In some cases, the FlannBased algorithm may incorrectly match some features.
The "Hamming"
variants of the BruteForce algorithms should only be used with description
algorithms that use binary strings (e.g. BRISK, BRIEF, FREAK, ORB). Some
other description algorithms (e.g. SIFT, SURF which are not included in this
program due to patent restrictions) require the older "non-hamming" variants
that are included here for sake of completeness. In general, these variants
are not useful.
- . The n parameter specifies the maxiumum number of threads to execute
in parallel. By default, PTAPicker chooses an amount based on your machine hardware,
so you typically should not need to adjust this parameter.
- . Specifies the name of the file
that PTAPicker outputs containing resulting control point information.
- . Specifies the name of a PTAssembler project file containing image
information. this is an alternative to specifying image names directly on the
command line.
- . Specifies the number of matches that
are used as input to RANSAC testing. All matches are ordered by how uniquely the
descriptors match. If more than the number of matches specified by this parameter
are found during the matching stage, weaker/poorer matches are discarded.
- . This option can be used to
specify a region-of-interest (ROI) within an image to process. If specified,
only the ROI is searched for control points. A RECT is specified as follows:
- x = The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the ROI
- y = The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the ROI
- width = The width of the ROI
- height = The height of the ROI
- imageNumber = The image number for the ROI (images are numbered in the order in
which they are present on the command line or project file, starting at number zero).
If the imageNumber parameter is missing, the ROI is applied to all images specified
on the command line or in the project.
- . The n parameter specifies the
maximum allowable pixel error during
RANSAC testing.
Larger values retain more candidate control points, but
increase the chance of inadvertently retaining incorrect control points.
- . PTAPicker looks for incorrectly
positioned control points by calculating the angles between sets of 3 control
points in image pairs. The n value specifies the maximum difference in angles between images pairs before
a control point is flagged as suspicious and possibly rejected. Larger values
retain more control points, at the expense of increasing the chance of retaining
incorrect points.
- . PTAPicker analyzes the homography
martix calculated during RANSAC
testing. If the angles in a small region transformed by the homography
matrix exceed this threshold, then all candidate control points for this image
pair are rejected. Larger values
retain more control points, at the expense of increasing the chance of retaining
incorrect points.
- . Similar to the --c option, but this tests the ratio of line lengths
in a small region transformed by the homography matrix. Larger values
retain more control points, at the expense of increasing the chance of retaining
incorrect points.
- . Similar to the --c option, but this tests the absolute values of
the sums of the two perspective parameters in the homography matrix. Larger values
retain more control points, at the expense of increasing the chance of retaining
incorrect points.
- . Similar to the --c option, but this
tests that ratio of the area encompassed by a small region before and after
transformation by the homography martix. Larger values
retain more control points, at the expense of increasing the chance of retaining
incorrect points.
- . This value can be used to adjust
the sensitivity of the feature detector. (This option only works with the
BRISK, FAST, GFTT, HARRIS and STAR detectors). Higher values will result in
fewer features being detected. Lower values result in more features being
detected, but these features are less "distinct", and are more likely to
produce incorrect matches. Legal values range from 1 to 255, but values
between 10-100 are likely to yield the best results.
- . This parameter adjusts the RANSAC
threshold specified by the -t option by an amount that is a function of a point's
distance from the central position of all points that passed RANSAC. This is
useful for images that do not exhibit perfect rectilinear projection (e.g.
images with distortion or fisheye projection). In these cases, higher values for
this option will typically cause PTAPicker to retain more points near the
edges and corners of the images.
PTAPicker's central task is accurately identifying valid control points
while simultaneously rejecting incorrectly identified invalid control points. And,
if possible, do it quickly! Almost all of PTAPicker's options are targeted
towards adjusting the tradeoff between the acceptance of valid control points,
the rejection of invalid control points, and the time spent doing so.
PTAPicker's default choices should work well for most "real-world" images,
but the information in this section should allow you to make adjustments if
the results are not satisfactory.
- The -v option makes PTAPicker print information about the
number of features detected, matched and tested. This information should help
you to make informed decisions about which other options may need
- The number of features that are detected depends on the size of the input
images after resizing (small images tend to produce fewer features),
the image subject matter (low contrast images tend to produce fewer features)
and the chosen feature detector. PTAPicker works best when at least several hundred features
are detected for each image. To increase the number of features, use a lower
detection threshold (--t option) and/or larger images (-i or -j options). Note that
using a lower detection threshold and/or using larger images slows program execution.
- The matching stage works quicker when fewer features are used.
To change the number of features used by the matching stage, use the -f option.
Features with the weakest response are discarded first.
- The filterting and checking stage works best with a limited number of
matches or "candidate control points". The -q option governs how many matches
are used during filtering/testing, by retaining only the "best" matches. Using
too many matches during the filtering/testing stage not only slows the program
operation, but can also increase the chance of bad results as the RANSAC
algorithm may fail to distinguish the valid control points from the
invalid candidate control points.
- The --a, --c, --l, --p, --r all govern how strictly PTAPicker analyzes
candidate control points during the filtering and checking stage.
Higher values cause PTAPicker to reject fewer candidate control points at
the expense of increasing the chance of retaining incorrect points.
- If the input images have distortion or were taken with a fisheye lens,
use the --x option to allow PTAPicker to be more lenient about positioning
errors near the edges and corners of images.
- PTAPicker chooses the most appropriate matching algorithm by itself. Newer
feature description algorithms (e.g. BRISK, FREAK, BRIEF, ORB) use "binary
strings" as descriptors which allow for very quick and efficient matching
using the Hamming-Distance. Only the older feature detection algorithms
(e.g. SIFT,SURF) algorithms require the non-Hamming matchers, and although
these matchers will work with the newer binary string descriptors, they are
available in PTAPicker primarily for sake of completeness.
- Matching speed can be increased considerably by using the FlannBased matcher.
This matcher can be much faster than the brute-force methods, but is not quite as
accurate as the brute-force methods. In most cases, this doesn't matter, as the
filtering and checking stage will eliminate any incorrectly idenfitied matches produced
by the FlannBased Matcher. However, in a small number of cases, the FlannBased
matcher can produce just enough incorrect matches that control points in an
image pair are rejected as being invalid. The choice of using the
FlannBased matcher is one of speed versus accuracy.
- If no control points are detected in images which are known to overlap,
using the -g option to sub-divide the images into regions before matching
can often help PTAPicker find control points. Values of 2 or 3 are often
useful. Note that this slows program operation, and may result in a higher
chance of invalid matches being detected.
- Similarly, using the -r option to specify a sub-region of the image to
process can help PTAPicker find control points in image pairs for which
no control points are found.